Five Reasons why sports are beneficial in the development of children

kids sport

At its core, sports are a powerful tool that offer a range of benefits that extend beyond physical health. Research shows that participating in organized sport also offers a multitude of social & emotional benefits for young children. This article will detail five advantages of your child participating in sport.

Development of critical social skills

Social skills are a perfect example of something that cannot taught through theory, and can only be learned in real world situations. Through the use of sports, your child will learn how to be graceful in defeat, accept blame, and be disciplined. Most importantly, they will learn how to be selfless and co-operative while playing in a team that is collectively pursuing a goal. While the development of these skills may be difficult and time-consuming, do ultimately serve a larger purpose; These attitudes and skills can help your child develop from an immature kid into an understanding and relatable adult.

Intellectual growth

While it may be tough for a child to accept, failure is a part of life; There is simply no way to avoid it. With this being said, failure provides a platform for children to develop mental strength as they learn to persevere and be resilient. Unsurprisingly, sports provide activities where failure is inevitable at one point or another, and they therefore provide a fantastic avenue to stimulate intellectual growth in your kid.

Emotional benefits

The ultimate goal of any parent is for their child to be happy. Fortunately, regular physical activity not only stimulates the release of ‘happy chemicals’ such as Dopamine and Serotonin, but also increases concentrations of neurotransmitters that are effective in managing issues such as stress and anxiety. Due to the increasing number of youngsters suffering from mental health issues, it is more important than ever to provide children with activities that can naturally alleviate anxious feelings.

Promotes a sense of equality and togetherness

Sports are a unique activity in the sense that they promote diversity, and bring together a range of people who come from different countries, religions, or cultures. This therefore helps children become more understanding and accepting of different groups of people as they learn that some attributes of a person are merely skin deep and are not indicative of a person’s character.

Helps nurture a positive relationship with exercise into adulthood

Research suggests that people who participated in sports as children were more likely to remain active when entering adulthood; By encouraging your child to participate in sports, you are ultimately setting them up for healthy habits down the line.


It is a common misconception that sports are only useful in assisting a child increase their physical health for a short period of time. As seen throughout the article however, the truth extends far beyond this; First and foremost, the article presented insurmountable evidence detailing the social and physiological benefits of children playing sport; Participating in organised sport can not only teach children about invaluable life lessons, but will also assist in the release of natural chemicals linked to an increase in happiness and a decrease in stress.

In terms of long-lasting physical benefits, it was discovered that children who were active as youngsters were likely to be leading healthy lifestyles as adults; By encouraging your child to participate in sport, you are likely also helping them stay fit in the long run.

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