A mother’s guide to sleep during pregnancy

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Among the many new challenges that pregnancy brings, sleeping may be the most difficult. As your body changes and your baby grows, your organs and tissues start to fight for space which can lead to more frequent waking throughout the night. With your sleep becoming less deep and refreshing, it is important to find new ways to maintain healthy resting habits.

As your pregnancy progresses, finding a comfortable position when sleeping will become tiresome. Finding healthy sleeping positions will not only help to favour your own maternal comfort, but it is also essential in supporting your baby’s wellbeing. By following this guide to sleeping during pregnancy, you will be able to develop healthy techniques in improving your sleep, strengthening the comfort of both you and your baby.

First Trimester

The main issue encountered during the first trimester of your pregnancy is tiredness. A good way to help combat restlessness is by going for a walk in the late afternoon or early evening. Light exercise helps to maintain a healthy relationship between your body and your baby, with a later afternoon walk helping to tire your body out in time for bed that night.

Avoid drinking tea or coffee before bed. Although caffeine may feel necessary to support your everyday activities, it is recommended to only consume 200mg per day or less where possible, with research suggesting caffeine intake may lead to birth problems for your child. Lowering your consumption will not only support your baby’s health, it will also help to ensure a good night’s sleep.

If your body starts to feel tired more often, try to find as much rest and relaxation as possible throughout the day. Finding five to ten minutes every so often for a quick nap can drastically help you to feel more refreshed. It is also beneficial to develop a night-time routine to relax before bed, which could be in the form of taking a bath, reading a book, listening to soothing music, or just simply taking time to watch some TV.

Second Trimester

Entering into your second trimester brings new challenges. This period tends to cause hormonal changes, with many mothers receiving increased blocked noses and feeling stuffed up throughout the night. Investing in saline nasal sprays is a great way to help relieve your sinuses.

You might start to notice increased leg cramps disrupting your sleep throughout the night. Remaining active and drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day, as well as stretching before bed will help to reduce the likelihood of any cramping and help ease the pain.

Some women can also find themselves snoring for the first time during this pregnancy period. If you notice yourself developing this habit, try sleeping on your side and keeping your head slightly elevated to relieve any unwanted noises. Maintaining a healthy diet can also help reduce snoring.

Third Trimester

Coming into your third trimester, you will already have established the discomfort that comes with sleeping. Finding comfortable sleeping positions during this time becomes increasingly difficult, and you will find your sleep getting interrupted on a frequent basis. While it is important to develop good practices throughout your pregnancy, maintaining healthy sleeping habits during this period is critical for the health of your baby.

From 28 weeks until the birth of your baby, it is essential you sleep on your side. Laying on your back puts immense pressure on major blood vessels, restricting the flow of blood and oxygen to your uterus and impacting the health of your baby. By sleeping on your side, you help reduce the chances of stillbirth by half.

Sleeping on your side may take some time to get used to. Practicing sleeping in this position early on within your pregnancy will help you get more comfortable as your body continues to change. Here are some tips for maintaining a comfortable side-sleeping position:

  • Always start on your side when resting. Whether taking a quick nap or pursuing a long night’s sleep, starting on your side will help you hold this position for the majority of your sleep.
  • If you find yourself rolled onto your back throughout the night, ask your partner to help gently reposition you on your side.
  • If you continue to struggle with maintaining your position, place a pillow behind your back to restrict any rolling possibilities.
  • Bending your knees and placing a pillow between your legs can also help you find more comfort when sleeping.
  • Placing a pillow under your belly will help to take the pressure and weight off your back as your belly grows.
  • Sleep at a higher angle. Raising the head of the bed or sleeping on multiple pillows to elevate your upper body can help provide more comfort, and can also help reduce indigestion and heartburn issues.


While sleeping becomes a major challenge during pregnancy, there are plenty of healthy coping techniques to decrease the negative impact it may have on your daily life. Always remember to find time for yourself to relax, invest in a multitude of pillows and follow healthy sleeping positions to ensure the comfort of both you and your baby.